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Writer's pictureClearer Chronicles

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

Have you ever asked the Universe for a sign?

Received it.

Then proceeded to change the ‘rules’ of what you originally asked for?

I have; probably more times than I care to count.

The Universe communicates via symbols, numbers, songs, animals, etc. There are no limits to the way it tries to get our attention. It just doesn’t speak out loud (well, it does to those with clairaudience)

and even if it did, we’d probably ignore or discount that too.

When I found out Mentor was going to teach a year long class on Professional Clearing® I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity for several of my friends. For various reasons, it didn’t work out for any of them.

One finally asked me, “Why don’t you take the course?”

“Who, me? Why would I take it?”

I must admit, internally I was debating if the class was right for me. Or if I was right for it.

I started asking the Universe for signs.

“If I’m supposed to take this class, make this or that happen.”

The Universe probably answered each one of those requests, but I couldn’t or wouldn’t see it.

Enter, Rick Springfield.

Yes, THAT Rick Springfield.

General Hospital’s Dr. Noah Drake, Supernatural’s Vince Vincente/Lucifer, singer/songwriter of the iconic Jessie’s Girl.

I had tickets to see Rick in concert (don’t judge, I’m an 80s girl.) I dragged my husband, as my girlfriends couldn’t make it. Husband of the year, I know.

As we headed to the concert, I casually said, “If I’m supposed to take this class, I want to have a moment with Rick.” My husband and I laughed; like that would happen.

Close to the end of his set, Rick started singing “Human Touch.” He proceeded into the audience; as he walked past our row, I put my hand up for a high five. He not only high fived me, he did a modified handshake/hand clasp/interwoven fingers and all, which can only be described as a moment. It was fast, as it would be, considering an 80s rock star was now surrounded by his middle aged, yet highly energetic and delirious fans, but it happened!

I smiled at my husband and he remarked. “Are you signing up for the class tomorrow?”

“What? I can’t hear you over the music. Besides, I wanted a hug.”

He looked at me incredulously and said, “You asked for a moment and THAT was a moment.”

He had me there.

I had asked for and received my moment with Rick. My inner 13-year-old will never forget it.

What I have learned about asking for signs is:

  • Ask and let it go. The Universe heard you. It decides if, when and where.

  • · Be specific. If you want a hug from a certain 80s rock star, ask for a hug.

  • · When you least expect it, expect it.

Also, if you were looking for a sign. This may be it.

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 About Me

I've been interested in the unseen world for as long as I can remember. It wasn't until adulthood that I realized I am Intuitive. I'm an empath and all the 'clairs' - clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairtangent and mainly, clairsentient. I don't know how I know what I know, but I know it. 

 My career background was primarily in Corporate Finance and while I did well and excelled in various positions, something was missing, I wasn't feeling fulfilled and wasn't being of service to anyone but Fortune 500 companies. In my spare time, I participated in paranormal investigations and visited many allegedly haunted locations. I had fun, met many amazing (living) people but again, wasn't feeling fulfilled.


In 2019 I was a student of Althea Gray's inaugural Professional Clearers® course. I learned a methodology that Clears the unseen world, the space surrounding us all. It affects everyone and everything. I saw, firsthand, the positive changes Clearing made to the people I worked with. More importantly, the class gave me the courage to embrace my gifts rather than hide them.

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